Monday, December 27, 2010

Grand posting

Hello internet,

 This is it, the blog that everyone told me to create while I'm living in Africa. Pretty snazzy huh? I'll update this site with the various episodes I will encounter in the Peace Corps, my reactions and thoughts about being a foreigner and most importantly.....tons of pictures! So Grandma and Grandpa, you better spread this website to the rest of the family because things are going to get wild. Judging by the other volunteers in Uganda I might be able to update this blog only a few times a month (internet access may be limited along with flushing toilets)

  Here is the scoop: I've been accepted into Peace Corps and I will leave for Uganda in early February. Just when I thought I had enough of  Purdue and engineering classes I get thrown back into the grindstone. My assignment turned out to be secondary school math/science teacher and teacher trainer. Haha, jokes on me but thats cool, I get to learn how to teach. Duration of my stay will be a little over 2 years.That is basically all I know of my job, maybe Peace Corps will tell me more, maybe....

 What am I doing now? Nothing of course! :D Africa is a long time away so I've got to do my best to enjoy the present moment. I also enjoy terrorizing my mother with stories about visiting local witchdoctors :D All the planning and packing can wait until the last minute when everything hits the fan. Hey, I might not know what im doing but I have the feeling im perfectly qualified for the job so no worries everyone. I mean whats the worst that can happen?


Kat said...

great, awesome design! looing forward to more content but hey, no pressure ;) :P

enjoy the ride, my friend.
- Katrin

Anonymous said...

more updates!

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